Clinical approach to Myocardial infarction.. A to Z
Myocardial infarction(MI) is undeniably one of the most prevalent emergency cases that a physician would have to meet during their clinical practice , a condition that requires immediate attention as a few hours can be the difference between complete resolution of the situation and permanent damage to the cardiac muscle , or even death . We are going to go over the main pillars of MI diagnosis as well as treatment options.

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كيفية علاج الأرق و مشاكل النوم نصائح مهمة
الأرق من أكثر المشاكل الصحية التي يعاني منها الإنسان في العصر الحالي ، الدراسات كشفت أن نسبة البشر الذين يعانون من الأرق تصل إلي 30 في المئة